Featured Member:
Eimear MacCarrick

Eimear MacCarrick | Composer / Music Editor

How many years have you spent studying and/or working in the Vancouver Post Production industry? 
I’ve been working in post production for about 8 years. I started my journey in animation and VFX before segueing into composing and music editing.

What is your favourite project that you’ve worked on, and why?
I loved music editing on “Hamsters of Hamsterdale”, an animated kids show for Nickelodeon. The characters were really cute and always made me laugh. We had such a great music team too.

Where/How did you get your start in the community?
A post supervisor I worked for in Dublin had a VFX few contacts in Vancouver and put me in touch them when I was moving over. I think my resumé found its way to Kerry McDowall and she encouraged me to join the VPA.

What do you see as the biggest asset to your sector, relative to the industry in Vancouver?
Individualism. We have lots of talented composer here in Vancouver and everyone has something different to offer. We all have access to the same sample libraries but no two people are doing the same thing. I’ve been in classrooms before where everyone is asked to score the same scene and, somehow, everyone comes up with something completely different. I think that’s amazing. The more diverse the pool of talent, the wider variety of projects we can collectively attract.

“My mission is to help tell meaningful stories
and to have fun in the process.”
insta: @eimearmac.music
web: eimearmaccarrick.com

What do you see as the biggest hurdle for your sector, relative to the industry in Vancouver?
It has to be budgets, especially for indie projects. Music is often overlooked because I think there’s a misconception of how much time and effort is involved in creating and delivering a high quality score. On larger projects, we sometimes see the music editor role being absorbed by assistant editors and composers, which makes things more difficult for everyone. If the team isn’t big enough, people will get stressed and the work is going to suffer.

Why did you join the VPA?
I joined the VPA in 2018, in order to make connections. I had just moved over from Ireland and I didn’t really know anyone so it was a great way to connect with people in the industry.

Who was/is your mentor/inspiration/idol?
Paul Shatto, Caleb Chan, Kerry McDowall, Red Heartbreaker and Steve London are a few of the many mentors I’ve been blessed with. Their support has been invaluable.

In one sentence, what advice do you wish someone had given you five years ago, relative to your career today?
Be patient and trust that things are going to work out. Focus on yourself and your craft and your path will reveal itself. Also, making true connections is a slow process, you can’t force it.

What is your favourite pastime outside of work?
I’m not really a gamer but recently I’ve been playing “Zelda: Breath of the Wild” and I’m obsessed with it! I also love going to yoga classes or hiking with friends.



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