Featured Corp Member: PlatonIX

Robin Forst

Your company motto is…
suspending disbelief

Tell us a bit about your company.
We produce custom driving plates for the Canadian Film Industry both custom and from a library using a 9 camera custom built array.

How many staff members / freelancers do you employ?
1 owner Operator and 3 freelance sub-contractors.

What are you working on right now?
Shooting plates for our library and working with the LED Volume Studios such as Lumostage, Versatile Media and Peacemaker Filmworks.

What is a favourite project that you’ve worked on, and why?
Once Upon A Time back then as a Steadicam Operator on set of a very fantastic production.

What percentage of your work is with local vs. international clients?
We work with all productions, local, international, from series to independent feature we can supply plates to any production.

Are you a Mac/PC/Linux shop? Or all of the above?

What software/hardware/plugins can you not live without?
Catalyst Prepare for Stabilizing our footage
Da Vinci Resolve for colour timing and array creation.

Any workflow improvements brought about by the need to work remotely?
Not relevent as we are a live on location shooting unit.

What do you miss most about “in person” client sessions?
We are an in person crew.

How long have you been a VPA corporate member?
September 2024.

Is there anything else about your company that you’d like people to know about that we haven’t yet asked?
We aim to continue to grow our library of driving plates as well as backing plates and continue to strive to be the best through innovation and learning.



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