Featured Member: Sophian Alkurdi

Sophian Alkurdi | Composer

How many years have you spent studying and/or working in the Vancouver Post Production industry? 
8 years

What is your favourite project that you’ve worked on, and why?
Tough question because I’ve enjoyed many projects all for various reasons but I would go with “When sharks love blood”.

It’s a short movie and the director had very specific genre in mind but once I reached the sonic signature he was looking for I had the pleasure of being as creative as I wanted!

Where/how did you get your start in the community?
My first short movie was an animated student film in 2013. I did not know at the time that I would switch my career from guitar player to music composer.

It was a great first experience even if at the time I did not know how to correctly use the tools, I had to work creatively.

What do you see as the biggest asset to your sector, relative to the industry in Vancouver?
Vancouver is pretty welcoming compared to the industry I used to know. I also discovered here this wonderful solidarity and this mutual aid even in the same post-production field.

What do you see as the biggest hurdle for your sector, relative to the industry in Vancouver?
Vancouver relies too much on Hollywood and does not rely enough on its capability of movie-making.

“Your smiley friend who can do a lot for a movie just because it is wonderful to make one!”
insta: @sophianalkurdi 
web: sophianalkurdi.com

Why did you join the VPA?
I joined the VPA to meet people, to be able to discuss some issues and some struggles I may have, and to be part of something bigger.

What support does the Vancouver post community need most now?
I’m not sure, but maybe to meet more filmmakers and explain the importance of post-production (and the changes it can make).

Who was/is your mentor/inspiration/idol?
Having Ryland Haggis as a mentor was a game-changer for me. He put my head back on my shoulder and explained to me how to make money out of the music I made and make. He was a really good guide and I’m still applying the advice he gave me.

If you could have worked on any series/film ever created, which one would it be, and why?
Even though I love Danny Elfman’s work, I would have loved to create the score of a movie like Edward’s Scissorhands.

I would enjoy composing for this kind of magical (and a bit dark) ambience

In one sentence, what advice do you wish someone had given you five years ago, relative to your career today?
Don’t rush the spotting sessions and the way you present your work is also very important.

What is your favourite pastime outside of work?
I don’t know if playing the guitar counts here if not, I would say cooking (and often failing especially with pastries).



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