GOOD NEWS: Cindy Au Yeung & RESO

Emerging Producer, Cindy Au Yeung, pitches to TIFF and Content Canada

As one of the five delegates sent by the Racial Equity Screen Office as an emerging producer, Cindy Au Yeung, a VPA member working in editorial, recently attended both the Toronto International Film Festival and Content Canada for the first time and it was a blast!
Besides witnessing fans waiting seven hours for a five-second glimpse of Taylor Swift, there were other eye-opening experiences including high-quality films such as The Woman King (historical epic), The Menu (comedy horror), a BC local feature Until Branches Bend (drama), A Gaza Weekend (comedy), and a moving documentary Maya and the Wave.

It was also Cindy’s first time pitching to various networks at Content Canada, which also hosted talks on showrunners and TV series. A personal highlight for Cindy was learning about the Content Catalyst Fund which is an organization that aims to create and develop content by women creators.

The Racial Equity Screen Office is a Vancouver-based national office that supports mentorship, training, funding, production, and distribution of content by racialized Canadian filmmakers. For those who may be interested in attending next year, Cindy recommends checking out RESO to apply as a delegate in the future!



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