Featured Member: Shannan Louis

TUNE IN: Harmony from the Heart
February 24, 2022
Featured Member: Bruno Leone Cury
March 20, 2022


Featured Member: Shannan Louis
"You CAN do it, stop doubting yourself, idiot!."
- Shannan Louis

If you're in need of some VFX expertise, check out Shannan's VFX Studio FatBelly VFX, and follow FatBelly on Instagram (where you'll find some adorable dog pics).

How many years have you spent working or studying in the Vancouver Post Production industry? 7 years working in VFX. 2 years owning my own studio.

What is your favourite project that you've worked on, and why? Every project has pros and cons. Another Life season 2 for Netflix was the first project that my studio, FatBelly, worked on. It will always hold a special place in my heart. I remember working on The Accountant while at Psyop back in 2016, and I was so excited about it that I plastered our lunchroom with photos of Ben Affleck.

Where did you get your start in the community? I started work at Psyop Film back in 2015 and I found that I loved the industry and really related to the people. I met Marshall Krasser (a VFX vet) and others and just felt that these were my people and I could make a difference by the way I treated staff and created a community atmosphere.

What do you see as the biggest asset to your sector, relative to the Vancouver industry? The people! That's our biggest asset. The juniors coming out of VFX school are the ones that are going to drive us into a new generation of VFX. The talent in our community is incredible and we need to be open to hearing from everyone at every level.

What do you see as the biggest hurdle for your sector, relative to the Vancouver industry? There still seems to be an objection to paying VFX for what it's worth. We are film and TV makers and yet productions seem to run out of money in post. Which is a shame because VFX is more than just a post production expense. We are creators and visionaries and we can make or break their projects.

What support does the Vancouver post community need most now?
Kidding -- We need more ongoing training and more mentors.

Why did you join the VPA? To be a part of something bigger. To feel connected to more than just VFX people and to expand my understanding of post production.

Who was/is your mentor/inspiration/idol? Wendy Lanning, Kelsy Wittmann, Keri Young, Charlene Eberle. Women who have guided and shared and cared about me. Women in VFX are incredible!

If you could have worked on any series/film ever created, which one would it be, and why? The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel! I love the costumes and the sets. It's an incredible story that I adore and I would LOVE to have been involved.

In one sentence, what advice do you wish someone had given you five years ago, relative to your career today? You CAN do it, stop doubting yourself, idiot!

What is your favourite pastime outside of work? Watching documentaries. I studied documentary filmmaking at film school and I love watching docs. Also I have a dog, Clancy, and he is absolutely my favourite pastime. He's sweet and naughty and he makes me think about more than just work.

My personal tag line is... Woman in VFX.



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