Featured Member: Sabrina Pitre

Featured Corp Member: Core Music Agency
September 20, 2021
TUNE IN: British Columbia: An Untold History
October 20, 2021


Featured Member: Sabrina Pitre
"A dry sense of humour, with a bit of an evil spirit."
- Sabrina Pitre

You can find Sabrina's list of credits over on her IMDB, and a more detailed rundown on her website!

If you really want to get cozy, you can also follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn

How many years have you spent working or studying in the Vancouver Post Production industry? 15 years (if you count the very beginning, when I first started work as a 2nd Assist). As an Editor, I've been cutting for 10.

Where did you get your start in the community? As an assistant, I got my start applying randomly to a reality series in town called the "Shopping Bags" where the Post Supervisor at the time, Jadene Babcock, decided to give me a chance and hire me on for the graveyard shift, loading dailies at night. Not sure if she remembers that or not, but she gave me my official start in the post community, and we continue to work together today! As an Editor, I have to credit my friend and fellow colleague Mark Shearer and Director Carl Bessai for giving me my first opportunity to cut a feature film. I had assisted Mark on a few features beforehand, and when Carl's next project "Sisters & Brothers" came along, Mark wasn't able to take it on, and recommended Carl hire me to cut instead. If I didn't have someone vouching for me, and giving me the push I needed, I would not have had the confidence to even consider applying for that job in the first place. I will forever be grateful to everyone, along the way, who gave me a chance to prove myself and pursue a career in Post. I could name drop each and every person, but it would be a long list.

What do you see as the biggest asset to your sector, relative to the Vancouver industry? Tax incentives bringing big streaming services to BC and keeping them here by staying competitive relative to the rest of the provinces and North America as a whole.

What do you see as the biggest hurdle for your sector, relative to the Vancouver industry? Trying to get past Vancouver’s talent being seen as the “budget” option. I would love us to gain the same credibility as our colleagues down south, and have the big shows that come through here, post here as well. We have amazing artists in this city that are every bit as hard working, creative, and talented as anyone working in our field. We just need to be given the opportunities.

Why did you join the VPA? To network and stay connected with the post community in BC. Relationships that I have formed by attending social events over the years have led directly to new work opportunities. It has also allowed me to better understand and appreciate all the varied sectors within Post that I wouldn't normally get insight into.

What is your favourite project that you've worked on, and why? I feel I’ve gotten something valuable out of every project I’ve worked on. I try not to rank things because I don’t want to diminish any of the projects I’ve worked on or the amazing people I’ve collaborated with. I am only where I am now because of the sum of all those experiences.

In one sentence, what advice do you wish someone had given you five years ago, relative to your career today? You control your career path: don’t wait for anyone else to tell you it’s your time.

What is your favourite pastime outside of work? Curling, building model rockets (because I like things that go boom), and watching movies of course :)



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