Featured Member: Lisa Robison

Featured Member: Greg Ng
July 27, 2021
TUNE IN: Virgin River – S3
August 25, 2021


Featured Member: Lisa Robison
"Cut with your gut."
- Lisa Robison

You can find Lisa's list of credits over on her IMDB, and clips of her work on her website!

How many years have you spent working or studying in the Vancouver Post Production industry? I started in Post Production 25+ years ago. Previous to that I was in the Camera department for 9 years.

Where did you get your start in the community? Due to health reasons, I had to change my career path from the Camera department. I was looking for a new job when my brother was editing the pilot for The Outer Limits. He invited me to observe Post Production. I would watch him edit and I noticed the assistants were extremely busy. I volunteered to help them where I could. I made VHS labels, dubs, got lunch, delivered tapes to the “Fish Flight.” The “good old days” before Quicktimes and streaming. Ha. I was eventually hired on as a Post PA, which created the Post PA position at MGM. Months later, I was voted into the union and upgraded to a 1st assistant editor. Several others were hired as the Post PA at MGM and now have successful careers in Vancouver's Post Production community.

What do you see as the biggest asset to your sector, relative to the Vancouver industry? Our geographical location and closeness to Los Angeles. The Vancouver film industry is a service industry for many US productions.

What do you see as the biggest hurdle for your sector, relative to the Vancouver industry? Not enough productions, either US or Canadian, edit in Vancouver. Far too many go to LA or Toronto.

What support does the Vancouver post community need most now? When speaking with Directors and Producers outside of Vancouver, we need local Executive Producers to believe in our talents and to proudly bring our names to the table. One can only improve if they are given the opportunity to work with a broader spectrum of talent.

Why did you join the VPA? It’s a great way to meet and reconnect with others in the Vancouver Post Production community. The more we understand what our peers do, the more knowledgeable and supportive we will be as a community.

Who was/is your mentor/inspiration/idol? I am always inspired by our local talented editors. Along with them, I am influenced by the works of Anne V. Coates, Robert Wise, Michelle Tesoro and Eddie Hamilton.

What is your favourite project that you've worked on, and why? I have many favourite projects for a variety of reasons. I always learn something new on every show. I’ve met some amazing people and/or reconnected with others from previous shows. I am fortunate to have good memories from all the projects I have worked on.

If you could have worked on any series/film ever created, which one would it be, and why? Rear Window. The suspense in this movie shocked audiences in 1954 and it still does today. It was ground breaking at the time. Imagine being the editor who created suspenseful visual story telling techniques that are still being used 67 years later

In one sentence, what advice do you wish someone had given you five years ago, relative to your career today? Work will always be there, balance your life accordingly.

What is your favourite pastime outside of work? Outdoor activities; Dog walks, hikes, bike riding, surfing & skiing.



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