Featured Member: Javier Aparisi

GOOD NEWS: CCE EditCon – Women In Post
January 22, 2023
February 16, 2023


Featured Member: Javier Aparisi
"Storytelling is the most powerful
way to put ideas into the world"

- Robert McKee.

Check out Javier's Website and his LinkedIn page to learn more about him and see a full list of his credits.

How many years have you spent working or studying in the Vancouver Post Production industry? Over 15 years.

What is your favourite project that you've worked on, and why?
Last year I worked as the sole Picture Editor for a Documentary TV Series called "Nations at War" (Season 03, APTN). It was a challenge since I was the only Picture Editor for all 13 half an hour episodes! I had the opportunity to hone my skills on the historical documentary style of editing, as well as learn some motion graphics tricks to animate still assets, like photographs and paintings.

Where did you get your start in the community? I started back in Spain after finishing film school, where I worked as a filmmaker and Editor on a wide range of projects.

What do you see as the biggest hurdle for your sector, relative to the Vancouver industry? I think one of the main hurdles for Picture Editors is the amount of foreign productions that film here, but take the editing back to the US (for example). Another hurdle is the difficulty in becoming a Union member for scripted productions.

Why did you join the VPA? I joined to keep in touch with fellow members, and to strengthen my networking skills for potential new job opportunities.

Who was/is your mentor/inspiration/idol? I consider my mentor to be Carmen Henriquez, from RealWorld Media. She believed on my potential as an editor, and she was the first person to hire me here in Canada. I have worked for her and her partner Denis Paquette for six straight years.

If you could have worked on any series/film ever created, which one would it be, and why? There are tons of movies and series I would've loved to work on as an Editor, but I will pick David Fincher's Mindhunter since the camera angles and the dialogue editing is extremely well crafted, and delivered in a very thoughtful way to the audience.

What is your favourite pastime outside of work? I love Photography. My passion for visual arts and storytelling started with my interest in Photography when I was a little boy.



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