Featured Member: Greg Ng

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Featured Member: Greg Ng
"Let’s make this cool thing great."
- Greg Ng

You can find Greg's list of credits over on his IMDB, and check out the trailer for his recent Best Motion Picture Editing Leo win, Sniper: Assassin's End!

How many years have you spent working or studying in the Vancouver post production industry? I landed my first job in post 16 or 17 years ago. That makes me feel old. I know people younger than that who are learning to drive.

Where did you get your start in the community? My first job in film was for Brightlight Pictures as a post production assistant, and working there gave me an invaluable education into how movies were actually made in the real world.

What do you see as the biggest asset to your sector, relative to the Vancouver industry? I feel like post and editing can be relatively steady compared with production. When things are slow in the dead of winter, there’s always something that needs to be edited.

What do you see as the biggest hurdle for your sector, relative to the Vancouver industry? The number of projects that shoot here but edit in LA or elsewhere.

What support does the Vancouver post community need most now? This may seem trivial, but I think we’re due for a social gathering when the time is right. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen everyone’s faces in the real world and not on a screen.

Why did you join the VPA? The post world tends to be a bit isolated or solitary, so it’s good to have an organization that fosters community amongst us nerds.

Who was/is your mentor/inspiration/idol? I’m constantly inspired by the people in our community who have the tenacity to get their projects off the ground and create amazing works of art. I’ve watched a lot of local and Canadian films and there’s so many times where I’m like damn, I wish I could’ve done that! How the heck did they do it?

What is your favourite project that you've worked on, and why? Tough question. I’ll say that my favourite project is the one I’m still working on, because I still have a chance to make it great before it locks! I’ve been fortunate to work on a number of amazing projects over the years where the work was fun, and everyone came together to collaborate and make something cool. When the stars align and you have the opportunity, take it! The best jobs are the ones where everyone is operating on the same wavelength working towards a similar goal.

If you could have worked on any series/film ever created, which one would it be, and why? The original Star Wars trilogy. I needn’t say more.

In one sentence, what advice do you wish someone had given you five years ago, relative to your career today? Your life is not your work, you work to support your life.

What is your favourite pastime outside of work? Going on outdoor adventures with my lovely spouse and our dog, Pancakes, first of her name, Queen of the Lower Merkinites, Chomper of Sticks, Breaker of Toys, and Protector of the Yard.



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