Featured Member: Jane Diokpo

VPA & Canadian Cinema Editors Promotion
December 10, 2020
TUNE IN: Snowpiercer Season 2
January 22, 2021


Where did you get your start in our community? The VPA website.

What are the biggest assets that you bring to the Vancouver industry? Creativity, passion, organization and communicative skills.

What support does the Vancouver post community need most now? Marketing.

Why did you join the VPA? To gain more enriching experience, mentorship, and connections in the film industry.

Who was/is your mentor/inspiration/idol? Tina Fey, Wes Anderson.

If you could have worked on any series/film ever created, which one would it be? Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

What is your favourite pastime outside of work? Writing, graphic design/illustration, watching movies, petting cute dogs.

What is your favourite project that you've worked on, and why? It's not film or post production related, but when I was a social media marketing manager for a brand, I was able to apply all my passions in writing, graphic design, video production and communicating with people.



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