Featured Corp Member: Ghost VFX

TUNE IN: Snowpiercer Season 3
January 28, 2022
Black History Month
January 31, 2022


Interview with Gillian Pearson (Head of Studio / VFX Producer)

Featured Corp Member: Ghost VFX
"Making the impossible possible."
Gillian Pearson

We're proud to have Ghost VFX as a VPA Sustaining Sponsor. Thanks for all your support!

Have a project that would be a perfect fit for Ghost VFX?
Reach out at Ghost VFX, or send Gillian an email at gpearson@ghostvfx.com.

Connect with Ghost VFX on social media
Instagram @officialghostvfx
LinkedIn @officialghostvfx

Tell us a bit about your company, Ghost VFX. For over two decades, Ghost VFX has been fueled by a dream to collaborate with the very best, to fulfill the dreams of our clients and artists alike. Every day we try our very best to continue to make the impossible, possible and produce imagery that quietly speaks for itself. Ghost VFX is a leading global, full-service visual effects studio with contributions to hundreds of feature films, episodics & interactive projects.

How many staff members / freelancers do you employ? What makes your company different? In Vancouver, around 30 (at the moment!)

What are you working on right now? A range of episodics and features. Star Trek: Discovery and Strange New Worlds, Superman & Lois, Corrective Measures, Surfside Girls, Bones of Crows, Margaux, The Inheritance, Honor Society.

What is your favourite project that you've worked on, and why? It's always fun to see the USS Enterprise or Superman on screen, but personally, the series and movies where we're involved in the full pre-shoot-post schedule and working with the directors and show creators from the beginning are really satisfying.

What percentage of your work is with local vs international clients/projects? I consider everyone in North America local, so I'd say 100%! We are proud to have supported three Vancouver-based independent films this past year, and an upcoming CBC series with historic, Canadian subject matter.

Are you a Mac / PC / Linux shop or all of the above? Two of the above, your guess.

What software / hardware / plugins can you not live without? We're a classic Nuke/Maya shop, but moving more towards Houdini to take advantage of its flexibility and range.

Any workflow improvements brought about by the need to work-from-home / remote work changes? I wouldn't say improvements, but everything is working fine, and we're a global company connected to our other divisions anyway - particular Copenhagen and Burbank - so work from home is an extension of that remoteness already.

What do you miss most about "in person" client sessions? I miss going to the big room full of people at show-side production meetings! We also miss not being able to send extra VFX people to set, to train or observe - our crew would like that experience and usually we try to accommodate, if the show allows.
How difficult has the pandemic been for day to day operations? We started Ghost VFX Vancouver during the pandemic, so every step of the way has been "normal" for us - we didn't have the big shift that other studios experienced. The stress is real, though, and we try to make sure everyone is getting the rest and reassurance they need.

How long have you been a VPA Corporate Member? Since Ghost VFX Vancouver started in the fall of 2020.

Is there anything else about your company that you'd like people to know about that we haven't yet asked? We're hiring for long term positions, but that won't be news to anyone in Vancouver... as a smaller company, we do have opportunities for artists to step into more challenging roles or projects. There's a "learn-and-grow" mentality with a wide variety of shots.



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