Featured Member: Warren Mazutinec

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Featured Member: Warren Mazutinec
"What is for lunch?"
-Warren Mazutinec

You can find out more about Warren by visiting his

How many years have you spent working or studying in the Vancouver post production industry? I’m just now passing the 23 year mark. I’m a teeny tiny bit away from it being half my life actually, weird hey? Time really does go by too fast.

Where did you get your start in our community? After film school i stuck it out for a year and got nowhere until a friend got my foot into the door at Shavick Entertainment. It was at Shavick i'd meet the people who basically set me on my path by giving me opportunity and training, as well be lifelong friends. Then (with those same folks) we went to Brightlight Pictures when it started and I was there for many years. After that I just started getting work from various studios so I've been jumping about for the last while trying to work for a wide range people.

What do you see as the biggest asset to your sector, relative to the industry in Vancouver? The biggest asset in my sector would be the talent. We have awesome people in all areas of post to work with here in town.

What do you see as the biggest hurdle for your sector, relative to the Vancouver industry? The biggest hurdle is getting the big shows to come in and finish here. On occasion they do and if you are really lucky it's a film like Nobody. That film ultimately finished in LA, but that was due to covid. It was originally to finish here. That being said, we worked in Vancouver all the way up to completion, we even sent EDLs on the absolute last day. Also having filmmakers from here helps, that's what was so special about the Neill Bloomkamp films, he lives here so we do the work here.

What support does the Vancouver post community need most now? We need shows to stay for post here. Our world class crews extend into post production as well and it would be nice when this virus mess is behind us that we can show that off once again. Studios often want to come up here and do a midrange (10-30 million) project and take full advantage of our tax credits. Let's hope that continues.

Why did you join the VPA? Just to be part of the community.

Who was/is your mentor/inspiration/idol? Well, I'm a huge David Lynch fan. Creativity and imagination are the greatest things we have.

If you could have worked on any series/film ever created, which one would it be, and why? Twin Peaks. I was obsessed since it first came out, and we really did see each other again 25 years later. So cool.

What is your favourite project that you've worked on, and why? Well there isn't just one. I can say my most recent gig (Nobody) was easily in my top 5. That was the perfect storm of nice people, great actors and violence. It was never a hardship to go to work on that film. Absolutely all involved were just the best people. Others would be Elysium and Chappie - two of the biggest films to finish up here, also with great people. I'd also have to put Tomorrowland up there. Working with Walter Murch on a 200 million dollar picture for over six months was an incredible experience just for all the lunchtime stories alone, not to mention working with a legend in the industry. We finished The Shack up here too and working with Bill Steinkamp was a lot of fun as well.

In one sentence, what advice do you wish someone had given you five years ago, relative to your career today? Stand up for yourself.

What is your favourite pastime outside of work? Anything outside. I ride my one wheel, my bike, I go to the beach and chill out, read books, etc. Vancouver is a pretty awesome place and there is lots to do.



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